Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Back To School Brings Hope and Caution

As an educator, I am excited about returning to school. Most of the students, whether they admit it or not are also excited. However, with this excitement come worry about the financial situation many of them face at home. In our community many businesses have shut down, cut back, or are on the brink of closing. Part of me says the old addage, "Don't worry be happy" applies. On the other hand, we cannot blindly ignore the environment around us. I guess the most important thing for all of us to do is to try and embrace the history of it all. Teaching the Great Depression will be easier now that we have the "Great Recession" to compare it to.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

July 4th Weekend Slideshow in Columbus Georgia


Sarah Palin Resigns as Alaska Governor

Ok, first of all, Sarah Palin has every right to be upset with the media's obsession with her family. David Lettermen apologized for his comment which was mistakenly made toward the younger daughter, however, the main stream media and the blogosphere has been unrelenting in their characterizations of her as some overzealous mad woman. Can you imagine the outrage if it had been the Obama girls who were being maligned? When a persons' Downs Syndrome child is the focus of jabs and remarks, a journalist's professionalism has to come into question. I disagree with many of Sarah Palin's political views, however, I cannot allow myself to be amused by cruel and malicious treatment of her family.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Healthcare Reform: Pro's and Cons

Hey, I am just throwing this out there. It seems that wherever you go someone is harping about how bad our system is or how bad socialized medicine is. What is amazing to me is that there seems to be almost no consensus on this issue. Thoughts? Ideas? HELP