Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Arizona Immigration Law

The State of Arizona recently passed a law that requires local and state police to make people show proof of citizenship when stopped, etc.. The governor has yet to sign it and hopefully will veto this unbelievable unconstitutional piece of legislation.
The Arizona Immigration Law is probably one of the most dangerous pieces of legislation passed this year. Ok, first of all, this is a blatant violation of a principle that every American holds dear. Americans should never be required to carry ID. I was appalled when I talked to people from other countries who said they had to have their id or papers on them at all times. This is outrageous. While illegal immigration is a problem, BIG BROTHER is a more dangerous problem. Where are the Tea Party folks and conservatives on this one? AMERICANS required to show ID's while walking down the street? No more hiring people to cut your grass or rake leaves without proper ID? Welcome to the Peoples Communist Republic of Arizona...