Monday, June 1, 2009

President Obama and the Current State of Affairs

First of all, I voted for John McCain. Why, I have always been an admirer of Senator McCain and stated from the first day that he was my favorite candidate. Notwithstanding, Barak Obama is the elected President of the United States and deserves our respect. I am troubled by the continued attacks being levelled at him from the right. While I was not a fan of President Bush, I was equally upset over the way the left treated him. My main disagreement with President Obama revolves around the abortion issue. While Roe v. Wade may be "established law", it has been taken far from the original decision. Being pro-life, it is my hope that he will continue to evolve on the abortion issue. I was Pro-choice for over half my life, however, it took personal experiences with pre-mature babies and what I feel was a convicting of the Holy Spirit which led me to modify my views on this issue. This may be a lame introduction to my Blog but its a start. Please comment.


  1. With these opening thoughts, I feel that this blog is going to be an exciting ride...however long it may last! As a teacher, mentor, brother, and friend, I have always sought out your council and enjoy hearing your beliefs on some of life's most debated topics. I have actually been looking for something like this to help on my debating skills and to develop the strength of my current foundations. (I only hope that I do not shy away from posting my true feelings). I look forward to the Spiritual and Intellectual journey!

  2. Thanks Cody, I hope for this Blog to become a useful tool for those of all political views to vent and express their feelings on major (and minor) topics. I truly appreciate the comments and they are right back at you.

    Randy Vice
