Monday, September 7, 2009

President's Speech to School Children

It’s been a long time since I decided to sit down and put my thoughts to paper but I think the time is here to restart my blog.
First of all, this Tuesday is a unique day. The President plans on speaking to the nation’s school children in a “back to school” message that has been given by his predecessors as well. However, this address is being scrutinized by the right and lauded by the left. The right wing seems to think it is the next Nuremburg address and could lead to the founding of an “Obama Youth” movement reminiscent of the Nazi organization of the 30’s and 40’s. The left seems to believe it could possibly be the next “Sermon on the Mount” coming from their self-proclaimed political messiah. The truth lies no-where in between. It is simply a speech to the school children of America encouraging them to stay in school and achieve goals that they set for themselves and not let their home situation be an excuse for not behaving or achieving to their fullest. We need to avoid the “Kool-Aid” drinkers of the left and right in the world and try to be informed before we make quick decisions and comments. Here is the speech to be delivered on Monday.


  1. I remember sitting in our AP Government class in early 2008, discussing the possibility of an Obama Presidency. I believe the general consensus was that Obama would probably not win the nomination against Hillary, and if he did, would not win the general election. Obama was winning primaries in red states, with Hillary winning big in the blue states. It now seems like Hillary ran a bit too far to the left and couldn't rush back to middle ground fast enough. Of course we now know how everything turned out, especially September 2008. Which in my mind, was the major turning point in the election. The seemingly impending economic doom definitely got more than a few votes for Obama. I'm sure you've seen the clip of John McCain saying "The fundamentals of the economy are strong." Anyways, I definitely miss discussing the political issues of the day and hearing your take on them. Hope you and your family are well.

  2. Thanks Samuel, I probably disagree with the fact about Hillary being too far left. I believe it was the fact that the early primary states, Iowa (caucus) and New Hampshire were probably too left leaning which gave Obama the momemtum. What hurt Hillary the most was the betrayal of other Democrats like Gore, Biden, Edwards, etc.. who threw their support to Obama. Nothwithstanding, it is great to hear from you and I hope you keep posting. I plan on putting some more ideas out for discussion pretty soon. I hope you and yours are doing well.
