Friday, September 11, 2009

The War in Afghanistan

Too many people have failed to study history here. We must finish the job in Afghanistan. Unlike Iraq, Afghanistan is a haven for terrorist and a hotbed of opium production. The U.S. has no choice but to achieve a complete and total victory here. I know many of you consider me liberal, but when it comes to defense, I am more conservative than most. We have to achieve what the Soviets failed at; the complete defeat of radical Islam in Afghanistan and Pakistan. The form of Islam that exist in this part of the world is an affront to all that is decent. Women and young girls are relegated to a status just above the chattel slave while children are treated slightly below the status of animals. How can a free country who espouses the ideas of democracy and yes Judeo-Christian values sit idly by while this continues to occur. Whether we like it or not, we are the world's policeman and have been since Teddy Roosevelt. Failure to act as such not only hurts the world but endangers us as well. Too many liberals and even some conservatives say, "this is their culture, we don't need to impose ours". That is a ludicrous comment. We are simply bringing this country back into at least the 19th Century (1800's). Right now they are in the middle ages.

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