Monday, December 7, 2009

Season's Greetings (Probably Controversial)

First of all, Christmas is great !!! While we know that Christ was probably born in September, the Wise Men/ Magi probably visited around the end of December. (Too much History Channel). One of the great things about Christmas is that it enables us to share the story of Christ with so many people who otherwise don't hear it on a regular basis. It also provides us the opportunity to share with our younger children who may not quite understand the intricacies of our faith but surely grasp the ideas surrounding Christmas. Now, let me complicate matters a little here; As Christians, lets stop complaining about "Happy Holidays" and "Xmas". The word derived from the notion of "Holy Day", and gradually evolved to its current form Holiday. What is wrong with "Holy Day"? Nothing. As for "Xmas", it is not a secular conspiracy to get "Christ out of Christmas". Instead, it is the proper way to abbreviate the spoken word Christmas. The letter "X" is the Greek letter "Chi" which has traditionally been associated with Christ. As Christians we should view the holidays as a way of unifying us and providing us with an opportunity to share our beliefs with others. Let us not use the holiday for negative rants and ravings about terminology.

Happy Holidays,
Randy Vice

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