Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Goals Instead of Resolutions, Now That's an Idea.

I don't know about the rest of you but I am a little put off by the term, Resolution. A resolution is usually something that binds us to a decision or at least states that we are definitely going to accomplish it. This is a great philosophy if it works, however, lets face it, most New Years Resolutions don't come to fruition. It is similar to when your coach used to say, "It's not if we win but when we win". Again, great motivation, but completely unrealistic. When the inevitable happened and your team lost, the coach lost a degree of legitimacy. Why not do something a little different this year; let's set some GOALS.

Goals are something you plan to achieve. Like most plans, they sometimes have to be changed. As an educator, I am constantly setting goals for myself and my students. For a goal to be valid it has to be measurable, therefore, I hereby proclaim 2010 the year of the New Year's Goals. These goals are not personal but simply my opinion on what our country needs to do to improve. Don't misunderstand me, our country, the United States of America, is still the greatest country on Earth and will be for a long time, however, this doesn't mean that we can't improve.

GOALS 2010

1. The government should continue to use its Fiscal and Monetary policies to steer the economy through rough times. Capitalism is great, however, even Adam Smith (The father of Economics) stated that government does have a role. These policies should benefit ALL Americans, not just the poor, rich or middle class. There is this belief that if you help the poor you have to harm the rich, that is completely inaccurate.

2. We should continue to fight terrorism and extremism wherever we find it. This includes all forms of extremism if it leads to terrorism or oppression.

3. Our country should change abortion laws. We should recognize that women's rights and the rights of the unborn are one in the same. A woman devalues herself as does her partner when they wantonly and willingly terminate the life of their offspring. While most women who have abortions are decent and even god-fearing people, they don't realize the gravity of this decision. There are of course reasons for early term abortions and I am not certain that first trimester abortions should be banned, however, 2nd Trimester and late term abortions are wrong and any civilized, modern nation must recognize this and put a stop to them.

4. Healthcare reform is more than an idea, it is a necessity. Democrats, Republicans, and Medical leaders have to fix this. Requiring people who don't have insurance to purchase it is not the answer. Not only is unconstitutional, its outrageous. That's like telling someone who is starving that they will be put in jail or fined if they don't eat, regardless of their ability or inability to pay.

5. We must solve the homeless problem. We should humanely enforce vagrancy laws and move people who are living in the streets into government or privately contracted shelters. No child should be forced to live in a refrigerator box or under a bridge because of the situation of their adult caregiver. These facilities should be located in or near the communities where homelessness is a problem in order to avoid life disruption as much as possible.

6. The Federal government should abandon the No Child Left Behind educational program. It is unrealistic and detrimental to the students it is supposed to serve. The Federal government should put forth a plan for states to reorganize education into career tracks beginning in the tenth grade. I will address the details at a later date.

7. We should build our alliances based upon a new philosophy, Unilateral Humanitarian Aid. The developed nations should aid the poor, downtrodden, and oppressed regardless of the cooperation of their government. This concept of "respecting the internal affairs" of other nations ends when they oppress or abuse their citizens. The United States cannot do this alone, however, an alliance of developed nations regardless of their political systems could easily implement this "Pax Humana".

8. Liberalism and Conservatism have to take their places behind Americanism and Humanitarianism. Liberals tend to reject the patriotic, religious, and military while Conservatives tend to reject humanitarianism, welfare, and social advancements. America is strong and great only because we are a nation which is strong militarily, socially, and most of all spiritually. We cannot allow our rightful separation of church and state to interfere with our relationship with God, regardless of sect or creed.

9 and 10 = Email me your Goals for our country at:


Monday, December 7, 2009

Season's Greetings (Probably Controversial)

First of all, Christmas is great !!! While we know that Christ was probably born in September, the Wise Men/ Magi probably visited around the end of December. (Too much History Channel). One of the great things about Christmas is that it enables us to share the story of Christ with so many people who otherwise don't hear it on a regular basis. It also provides us the opportunity to share with our younger children who may not quite understand the intricacies of our faith but surely grasp the ideas surrounding Christmas. Now, let me complicate matters a little here; As Christians, lets stop complaining about "Happy Holidays" and "Xmas". The word derived from the notion of "Holy Day", and gradually evolved to its current form Holiday. What is wrong with "Holy Day"? Nothing. As for "Xmas", it is not a secular conspiracy to get "Christ out of Christmas". Instead, it is the proper way to abbreviate the spoken word Christmas. The letter "X" is the Greek letter "Chi" which has traditionally been associated with Christ. As Christians we should view the holidays as a way of unifying us and providing us with an opportunity to share our beliefs with others. Let us not use the holiday for negative rants and ravings about terminology.

Happy Holidays,
Randy Vice

Friday, September 11, 2009

The War in Afghanistan

Too many people have failed to study history here. We must finish the job in Afghanistan. Unlike Iraq, Afghanistan is a haven for terrorist and a hotbed of opium production. The U.S. has no choice but to achieve a complete and total victory here. I know many of you consider me liberal, but when it comes to defense, I am more conservative than most. We have to achieve what the Soviets failed at; the complete defeat of radical Islam in Afghanistan and Pakistan. The form of Islam that exist in this part of the world is an affront to all that is decent. Women and young girls are relegated to a status just above the chattel slave while children are treated slightly below the status of animals. How can a free country who espouses the ideas of democracy and yes Judeo-Christian values sit idly by while this continues to occur. Whether we like it or not, we are the world's policeman and have been since Teddy Roosevelt. Failure to act as such not only hurts the world but endangers us as well. Too many liberals and even some conservatives say, "this is their culture, we don't need to impose ours". That is a ludicrous comment. We are simply bringing this country back into at least the 19th Century (1800's). Right now they are in the middle ages.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Healthcare Speech

I agree with the majority of President Obama's speech. However, I strongly disagree with any plan that forces anyone to purchase insurance who chooses not to do so. I understand the rationale behind it but it is still wrong. It is just as wrong as when states force people to purchase automobile insurance. Sure, it makes perfect sense, however it is still a fundamental violation of a person's right to privacy. Part of the right to privacy (which isn't in the constitution but has been interpreted) is the fundamental concept of economic freedom to manage one's own affairs. However, by and large, the plan as put forth by President Obama made pretty good sense.

Monday, September 7, 2009

President's Speech to School Children

It’s been a long time since I decided to sit down and put my thoughts to paper but I think the time is here to restart my blog.
First of all, this Tuesday is a unique day. The President plans on speaking to the nation’s school children in a “back to school” message that has been given by his predecessors as well. However, this address is being scrutinized by the right and lauded by the left. The right wing seems to think it is the next Nuremburg address and could lead to the founding of an “Obama Youth” movement reminiscent of the Nazi organization of the 30’s and 40’s. The left seems to believe it could possibly be the next “Sermon on the Mount” coming from their self-proclaimed political messiah. The truth lies no-where in between. It is simply a speech to the school children of America encouraging them to stay in school and achieve goals that they set for themselves and not let their home situation be an excuse for not behaving or achieving to their fullest. We need to avoid the “Kool-Aid” drinkers of the left and right in the world and try to be informed before we make quick decisions and comments. Here is the speech to be delivered on Monday.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Back To School Brings Hope and Caution

As an educator, I am excited about returning to school. Most of the students, whether they admit it or not are also excited. However, with this excitement come worry about the financial situation many of them face at home. In our community many businesses have shut down, cut back, or are on the brink of closing. Part of me says the old addage, "Don't worry be happy" applies. On the other hand, we cannot blindly ignore the environment around us. I guess the most important thing for all of us to do is to try and embrace the history of it all. Teaching the Great Depression will be easier now that we have the "Great Recession" to compare it to.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

July 4th Weekend Slideshow in Columbus Georgia


Sarah Palin Resigns as Alaska Governor

Ok, first of all, Sarah Palin has every right to be upset with the media's obsession with her family. David Lettermen apologized for his comment which was mistakenly made toward the younger daughter, however, the main stream media and the blogosphere has been unrelenting in their characterizations of her as some overzealous mad woman. Can you imagine the outrage if it had been the Obama girls who were being maligned? When a persons' Downs Syndrome child is the focus of jabs and remarks, a journalist's professionalism has to come into question. I disagree with many of Sarah Palin's political views, however, I cannot allow myself to be amused by cruel and malicious treatment of her family.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Healthcare Reform: Pro's and Cons

Hey, I am just throwing this out there. It seems that wherever you go someone is harping about how bad our system is or how bad socialized medicine is. What is amazing to me is that there seems to be almost no consensus on this issue. Thoughts? Ideas? HELP

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


The United States plays in its first major International Final Sunday after defeating Spain 2-0. Spain is the number 1 ranked team in the world and was previously undefeated. Congratulations USA

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Iranian Elections

I think we have no choice but to take a "wait and see" attitude toward this one. The Iranians have at least proven that they don't have a "rubber-stamp" election process. It is also encouraging that the Supreme Council has decided to consider a recount, etc.. Iran is in a state of transition with over half their population under the age of 30. This is a great situation as the old guard dies out and the younger, more educated group begins to play a part in the political process. Who knows, could be that this could lead to a Tianimin Square type crackdown. If this is the case, it might play into the hands of the more liberal, younger element.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

More on North Korea

The time is over for talk. Kim Jong iL is a madman who must be stopped at all costs. I had hoped that the Chinese would put a muzzle on this lapdog but it appears they are at a loss as to what to do. He has embarrassed the Chinese government to the point that they are willing to back sanctions against him. We must not sit by and allow him to threaten and poster as if he is the leader of a legitimate government. I am not advocating the U.S. go it alone, however, we should move quickly to forge an alliance with Russia and China to end this threat to WORLD stability. Under no circumstances should we allow this to fester while he robs from the mouths of his own people to increase his arsenal of nuclear and conventional weapons. During the first Gulf War, the United States was able to forge an alliance of nations from all over the world to fight what was rightfully viewed as naked aggression against Kuwait. The latest threats of nuclear attack issued by Kim have put the world at a much bigger risk. The time for action is now.

Friday, June 5, 2009


Islam is the world’s third largest religion so it would be asinine for the U.S. to avoid dealing with Islamic issues. The question is, at what point do we peaceably coexist and at what point is confrontation necessary. Obviously, we have many countries in our "Friends" column which profess to be Islamic while we also have "Enemies" who adhere to the faith of Mohammed. Now, let’s be clear, most Muslims are not extreme and simply want to practice their faith in peace, however, if practicing that faith means they turn a blind eye to the evils of their extremist brethren, then they cannot be viewed as moderate nor even friendly to the U.S.. As a nation, we should continue to applaud the efforts of Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and other Arab nations who are currently attempting to eradicate extremism, notwithstanding, they should be admonished when deals are made with any group professing to be Taliban or Al Qaida. As for American Muslims, they should be treated with the same respect as other religions. It would be great to see a million Muslim march on Washington protesting terrorism.

Monday, June 1, 2009

North Korea

The United States has to encourage China to take care of this situation. While US and UN pressure will help, China has the power to end the crisis right now.

President Obama and the Current State of Affairs

First of all, I voted for John McCain. Why, I have always been an admirer of Senator McCain and stated from the first day that he was my favorite candidate. Notwithstanding, Barak Obama is the elected President of the United States and deserves our respect. I am troubled by the continued attacks being levelled at him from the right. While I was not a fan of President Bush, I was equally upset over the way the left treated him. My main disagreement with President Obama revolves around the abortion issue. While Roe v. Wade may be "established law", it has been taken far from the original decision. Being pro-life, it is my hope that he will continue to evolve on the abortion issue. I was Pro-choice for over half my life, however, it took personal experiences with pre-mature babies and what I feel was a convicting of the Holy Spirit which led me to modify my views on this issue. This may be a lame introduction to my Blog but its a start. Please comment.